CBD Gummies as a Natural Alternative to Over-the-counter Pain Relief

When it comes to fighting pain, our choices have been limited for far too long. Over-the-counter options like ibuprofen and paracetamol stress the liver and can harm the stomach lining. Stronger analgesics like opioids and neuropathic painkillers come with a host of unpleasant side effects, addiction risks, and cease to work as tolerance builds. Could natural pain relief gummies, rich in the cannabis extract cannabidiol (CBD), offer a better way to relieve pain?

Is CBD a Natural Pain Reliever?

Cannabidiol interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for regulating many important processes. CBD supports the body to restore equilibrium to the ECS, thereby moderating mood, sleep, inflammation, immune response, and pain response. As a result, it is well-suited to effectively managing numerous distinct types of pain.

CBD is a highly purified, naturally occurring extract of the cannabis plant. Being all-natural may mean it is less likely to trigger side effects or undesired reactions than synthesized drugs, as well as having superior bioavailability. This means that the body can more easily absorb and make use of it, maximising the benefits that can be reaped from ingestion.

Is CBD a Good Alternative to Traditional Painkillers?

CBD has several things going for it when it comes to superiority over traditional analgesics. The body does not build a tolerance to it over time, which means you don’t have to keep taking more and more to get the same effect, or face a drop off in results and a return of symptoms. You can simply find a dose that works for you and stick with it.

The lack of side-effects is another huge bonus. Regular use of traditional painkillers is fraught with risks of unpleasant consequences. Unintended and undesired symptoms like drowsiness, constipation, liver and kidney damage, and dependence/addiction can have a hugely detrimental effect on people’s lives, quite beyond the original pain they were suffering.

Freedom from these kinds of side-effects brings a certain element of liberation too. The sense of calm and relaxation CBD imparts coupled with a lack of drowsiness can significantly boost users’ ability, motivation, and enthusiasm for getting out and enjoying life. Since CBD gummies are small and neatly packaged, they are extremely discreet and portable. Thanks to this, they can easily be incorporated into daily life.

Another big plus when taking CBD is that you suffer no cognitive impairment or delay to reaction times. As a result, in the UK you are considered legally safe to operate heavy machinery and drive a car when using pure cannabidiol- something that might not be ok when using prescription painkillers like codeine of morphine. For both work and leisure purposes, this is a significant upside to using CBD in place of prescription analgesics.

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Do CBD Gummies Give Pain Relief?

Pain comes in many guises, from many causes, and some forms are harder to treat than others. Encouragingly, cannabidiol has shown positive impacts on a whole range of different forms of pain, both in clinical trials and as self-reported by users. Here’s a rundown of the different types of pain that studies have suggested CBD can help alleviate:

 Inflammatory Pain

Whether from arthritis or muscle strain, the body’s inflammatory response to perceived injury can become problematic, especially when triggered long-term. By reducing cortisol levels, CBD has demonstrable efficacy for reducing pain caused by inflammation.

 Chronic Pain

Tricky to tackle and affecting up to 20% of the adult population, chronic pain can be debilitating. The long-standing nature of this kind of pain has serious knock-on effects on sufferers’ mental health, too. Studies of chronic pain patients demonstrated improvement in pain for the majority of participants and saw them able to reduce their reliance on prescription pain medicines, too.

 Neuropathic Pain

The result of nerve damage, neuropathic pain is often resistant to more traditional treatments leaving sufferers struggling to function. CBD’s interaction with the ECS offers a different mechanism to other analgesic therapies, moderating the body’s own pain response rather than blocking pain signals directly. It can offer hope and relief where all other methods have failed.

 Acute Pain

The sharp onset of sudden pain can floor the best of us, but exciting recent research has shown that CBD could offer a natural solution. In a recent trial on patients with acute dental pain, participants experienced a 73-77% reduction in pain by 180 minutes after treatment with cannabidiol. This was significantly higher than the placebo group, suggesting that CBD could be an excellent candidate to treat acute pain.

How to Choose the Right CBD Gummies?

Of course, not all cannabidiol products are created equal, and you’ll need to find a quality product to reap the full benefits. Reputable companies like Goodrays are authorised by the UK FSA to trade, so you know you can trust them. They use only organic hemp to produce their CBD oil and undergo regular third-party testing to ensure consistent potency and purity.

Opt for products made using clean ingredients such as natural fruit flavourings. Avoiding artificial colours, flavours, and additives means you can be certain that every element of your gummies is doing you good. And experiment with dosage to find what works for you- starting low and working up is the best way to find that sweet spot.

The premier cannabidiol products on the market today are derived from organically grown hemp crops, cultivated in some of the richest soils on the planet. Regions like Colorado in the USA and Cornwall in the UK produce bountiful crops of phytonutrient-dense plants which are processed to make the finest CBD products you can find.

High-quality CBD gummies are a promising alternative to traditional methods of pain relief. They provide a consistent and effective dose of cannabidiol in a discreet and enjoyable sweet little package. Offering effective pain management as well as a host of other benefits to health and well-being, why not try them today and discover how they can add to your quality of life?